Dental Crowns Albuquerque

The Ultimate Barrier Between Teeth and Decay

Dental decay and damage are common issues among patients of all ages. Fortunately, there is a solution that is proven effective at providing optimal protection while allowing vulnerable teeth to strengthen over time. Using customized dental crowns in Albuquerque, Dr. Boehmer can help to repair and restore patients’ smiles using a variety of materials that are designed to withstand daily wear and tear and last a decade or more with proper care. If you’re interested in finding out more about dental crowns and whether you might be a candidate for such treatment, call our office to schedule an appointment.

Why Choose Dr. Monica Boehmer for Dental Crowns?

  • Mess-Free Digital Impressions Used
  • Conservative & Comprehensive Care
  • Tooth-Colored Materials Used to Create a Natural Appearance

What is a Dental Crown?

Illustration of dental crown in Albuquerque being placed on tooth

A dental crown is a custom-made prosthetic that fits over your natural tooth. Also known as a cap, it is used to protect a severely decayed or damaged tooth from further reinfection. It also helps keep the structure of the regular tooth intact.

Do I Need Dental Crowns?

Two dental crowns sitting next to each other

If you have a weakened tooth caused by decay or serious damage, it’s imperative that you see Dr. Boehmer for dental crown placement.

Other reasons you might need a dental crown include:

  • A cavity has spread and is causing further damage to your tooth.
  • You recently received root canal therapy or a dental implant and need a proper restoration to replace the visible portion of a tooth.
  • You want to conceal cosmetic imperfections that arise in the form of stains, chips, or cracks.

The only way to tell if a crown is truly necessary, though, is to let Dr. Boehmer examine your smile and make a recommendation. From there, she will craft a personalized treatment plan that you can review and use to make your final decision.

The Dental Crown Process

Dental crown sitting in model of mouth

A typical dental crown procedure takes two visits to our office. During the first visit, Dr. Boehmer will clean and remove any of the decayed areas of your tooth before filling and sealing it. She will then file away the tooth to allow for a proper fitting once the finalized crown is ready for placement. Before leaving, she will take impressions of your tooth and send it off to the dental lab where technicians will craft your custom prosthetic. You will receive a temporary crown to wear until the permanent one is ready.

During your second visit, Dr. Boehmer will remove the temporary crown and fix the permanent one into place.

The Benefits of Getting a Dental Crown

Dental crowns have been around for decades, providing patients with damaged or decayed smiles a chance to once again feel better about their appearance while using their teeth to perform daily tasks. When choosing this type of restorative care, you can expect there to be several great benefits, such as:

  • Increases confidence
  • Creates a symmetrical appearance
  • Provides better oral health because you can use your tooth or teeth like normal