Whether you’re preparing to leave town to go on vacation or a business trip, the idea of going through security at the airport may have you a bit nervous if you have dental implants. Because of the titanium posts surgically placed into your jawbone, you might wonder, “Will dental implants set off metal detectors?” Before you begin to worry or prematurely explain yourself to one of the TSA agents, a local dentist explains why there’s no need to fret about your upcoming flight.
Dental Implant Materials: Why You Don’t Need to Worry
Unlike stainless steel that can set off alarms and metal detectors, dental implants are most commonly made of titanium and/or zirconia, neither of which are magnetic. The reason dental experts use these two materials when reconstructing and restoring a patient’s smile is because of their ease in fusing with a person’s jawbone. While stainless steel was once the go-to material for restorative purposes, these new solutions make for more successful integration and a more natural-looking appearance.
When passing through a metal detector at the airport or even at a courthouse, these devices are designed to go off when magnetic materials are detected on or inside a person’s body. Because dental implants contain no nickel, cobalt, steel, or iron, it’s highly unlikely that you will need to worry about a TSA agent stopping you and inquiring for more information.
What If They Do Sound the Alarm?
Let’s be honest: not all metal detectors are the same, and some airports may not use the same regulations as others. As a result, it may be possible that your dental implants will sound the alarm while walking through a metal detector. Although no one wants the spotlight on them in these instances, it’s certainly not an uncommon situation. Should you walk through a device that detects the titanium post inside your mouth, a simple explanation to the TSA agent and a quick pat-down may be necessary.
While they are just trying to do their job, it can be bothersome going through this process, especially when you want to keep others from knowing you have artificial teeth. Fortunately, if you look at the positive side of traveling, it’s highly unlikely you’ll ever see any of these people again, so you shouldn’t worry much.
If you want to avoid this situation altogether, it is possible to have non-metal dental implants replace your missing teeth. But no matter which material you and your dentist choose, don’t worry too much about how it will impact going through security when leaving for your next trip.
About the Author
Dr. Monica Boehmer believes all individuals should be able to enjoy healthy, fully restored, and beautiful smiles. When an individual arrives with minor or extensive tooth loss, she and her team can recommend dental implants. Performing the entire procedure in-house under one roof, patients who need to replace their missing teeth can expect the highest level of professionalism, personalization, and quality care that produces long-lasting, life-changing results. If you have dental implants and want to learn more about what you can expect while living with them, contact us at (505) 271-8009.