Monica Boehmer, DDS, PC Blog

What is the Reason for a Gummy Smile?

October 10, 2020

a woman wearing a red blouse and covering her mouth because of her gummy smile

Oftentimes, it’s not your teeth that leave you wishing for a better smile. Your gums play just as important of a role and are known to be the reason for many patients inquiring about cosmetic dentistry solutions. While most services are designed to address tooth imperfections, there is one option that can easily remove excess oral tissue – gum recontouring. But why it is necessary in the first place? What causes a gummy smile? To find out the answer, a cosmetic dentist in Albuquerque explains.


6 Tips to Consider When Choosing the Right Cosmetic Dentist

September 10, 2020

a female patient looking at her new smile in the mirror while listening to her cosmetic dentist

Ridding your smile of stains, chips, gaps, crowded and missing teeth means finding the right professional to do the job. Not every dentist is trained to provide cosmetic services, although they may be able to perform basic aesthetic changes through various restorative treatments (i.e. dental crown placement). If you want to avoid walking away with a smile that appears “fake” or unnatural, it’s time to consider the following tips when trying to find the right cosmetic dentist.


Top Dentist 2020

How Your Dentist Will Keep You Safe When Doors Reopen

May 10, 2020

an image of gloves, protective eyewear, a facial mask, and a disposable gownAs states begin to slowly reopen various businesses, dental offices are preparing for an influx of patients in need of checkups and cleanings as well as elective treatments. To prepare for this event, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued several protocols practices should adhere to in order to prevent the possibility of spreading COVID-19. While it is understandable you might be concerned about your health and wellbeing when visiting your dentist, take some time to find out what measures are being taken to keep you safe from the moment you arrive.


When is It Safe to Go Back to the Dentist?

April 18, 2020

a young woman lying back in a dentist’s chair preparing to have her teeth checked and cleanedFor the past few months, people throughout the world have been forced to adjust to a new “normal.” Staying indoors, wearing masks and gloves, avoiding social gatherings, working from home, and being unable to patronize various businesses have quickly become the daily routine. COVID-19 has definitely caused a dramatic shift in the way people live, interact, and do business, but some of that is about to change. How? As states begin to slowly reopen in the coming weeks, you may find yourself asking, “When is it safe to go to the dentist?” Read on to find out when you can expect this to happen and what precautions your dental team will be taking to keep you safe.


Congratulations to Dr. Boehmer for Being Featured in Albuquerque The Magazine!

December 17, 2019

a screenshot of Dr. Boehmer in Albuquerque the MagazineAs a passionate dentist in Albuquerque, Dr. Monica Boehmer has been offering one-of-a-kind smiles to her patients for more than 25 years. This level of high-quality dental care and her meticulous attention to detail is why she has continued to remain one of the “Top Dentists” in Albuquerque the Magazine since 2005.


Looking for a Cosmetic Dentist? Here Are 5 Questions to Ask

September 5, 2019

a female patient with her dentistFrom porcelain veneers to metal-free restorations, there are a wide variety of cosmetic dentistry services, but just because someone offers these services doesn’t always mean they’re qualified to perform them on patients. You know you want to do something about those unsightly cracks in your smile, but how do you know which cosmetic dentist to choose? Here are 5 questions you should ask a prospective clinician before moving forward with treatment.


5 Reasons It’s Important to Maintain Regular Dental Checkups with Your Dentist

August 1, 2019

a man in a dentist chairIt has been a few years since your last visit to the dentist office. You haven’t experienced any pain, and you’re continuing to brush and floss as you should. While maintaining good oral hygiene practices is important, you’re missing a crucial part to truly effective preventive care – a regular dental checkup and cleaning. If you think you only need to see a dental professional when you’re in pain, that’s simply not true. To offer some insight into how beneficial regular checkups can be, here are 5 reasons you should maintain a six-month schedule with your dentist.


4 Ways Your Dentist Says You Can Keep a Healthy Smile While on Vacation

June 9, 2019

a woman smiling on the beachIt’s summertime, and that means, you and your family are preparing a trip to the sunny west coast. Spending a week on the beach is what’s in store, and you can’t wait to get there. Vacations are always fun, and they usually mean staying up late and getting out of the normal routine you have at home. While this is fine in some instances, it’s not when it comes to your oral health. To help you maintain a healthy smile, your dentist suggests these 4 ways to keep your teeth and gums shining bright while on vacation.


5 Tips for At-Home Oral Hygiene from Your Dentist in Albuquerque

March 16, 2019

woman brushing spring

You diligently brush your teeth twice every day, and you try to go to your dental cleaning appointment every six months. That’s enough to maintain your oral health, right? Well, there are so many other things you could do on your own to ensure that your smile remains healthy for the long haul. Check out these five tips to improve your oral hygiene at home from your dentist in Albuquerque. (more…)

Welcome to Our New Website!

December 1, 2018

welcome sign for new dental website

Have you noticed something different around here lately? As part of our continuous effort to improve the patient experience of all our guests, we recently completed a makeover of our dental website. Now, our website shares more custom photos and tells more of our story. At the same time, it includes the latest technology and makes us more accessible to everyone on the Internet. To learn more about the details behind the change, read on! (more…)

Can I Get Metal-Free Dental Implants in Albuquerque?

November 7, 2018

dental implant “Metal-free dentistry” is a bit of buzzword these days. As more and more patients are becoming interested in dental treatments that are good for their whole body, they are opting for white fillings over metal ones, and they’re always ready to learn about holistic alternatives to traditional treatments. But what about when it comes to dental implants in Albuquerque? Is there a metal-free way to take advantage of this tooth replacement method?


Should I Replace My Metal Fillings? Your Dentist in Albuquerque Answers

October 29, 2018

Woman having a dental examination.Even though tooth-colored material is the gold standard these days for dental fillings, if you’ve had cavities and restorations done in the past, you may still have metal amalgam fillings in your mouth. Not only are metal fillings noticeable since they are silver or grey, but they are also not the best choice for your oral health for a few reasons that your dentist in Albuquerque will share.


Household Environment, Not Genetics, Shapes Salivary Microbes

April 13, 2018

A smiling, happy couple.The saliva in your mouth is probably something you don’t think much about. However, did you know that it plays a crucial role in not only your oral health, but also your overall health? This is because your mouth and saliva are home to hundreds of species of bacteria which can both protect and harm your overall health and well-being, depending on the makeup of the bacteria. Your dentist in Albuquerque shares more on what this information means for you and your family.


How Saliva Plays a Role in Oral Health

March 17, 2018

Woman using a mouth rinse.You probably don’t think about your saliva very much; however, it is an important factor that is critical to having a healthy mouth. Believe it or not, saliva actually has many important jobs to do in your mouth each day, and we couldn’t function properly without it. Your dentist in Albuquerque explains why saliva is so important for optimum oral health.


Are All Dentists the Same? The Answer is No!

February 12, 2018

Smiling woman in dental chair.We’ve all experienced the dental office that rushes you through your appointment, and doesn’t really have the time to spend with each patient. Perhaps they don’t really know you very well, and this is because you may be seeing a different hygienist or even dentist each time you visit. It doesn’t feel very good to be just another number at your dental office, and you may not be receiving the care you deserve. What should you look for in your Albuquerque dentist?


Does Your Family Dentist Offer Comprehensive Treatments?

January 23, 2018

Smiling woman in the dental chair.You have to take your daughter to the dentist today, and your son has an appointment at the dentist in two days, oh, and your dental appointment is the day after that. Seems like you spend a lot of time traveling to and from the dental office. There must be a better way, you think, and the good news is that there is! Dr. Monica Boehmer, your family dentist in Albuquerque, can take care of the needs of the entire family so each person can be seen at the same office, perhaps even at the same time, or at least in the same timeframe. Here are some of the comprehensive services you can expect to find when you choose Dr. Boehmer for your family’s dental care.


There Is Such a Thing as Too Much Brushing

December 11, 2017

Woman brushing her teeth. Brushing your teeth at least twice per day is ingrained in us at a very early age. Some people brush after every meal. This can only be helpful, right? The truth is, how you brush you teeth and using the right tools is just as critical as how often you brush them. Your dentist in Albuquerque explains.


How Do You Floss With a Permanent Retainer? Your Albuquerque Dentist Answers

November 11, 2017

A woman with dental floss.A permanent retainer is helpful for keeping your teeth straight without any effort on your part. The downside is it makes keeping your teeth clean a bit more challenging because it is actually glued to your teeth. This is especially true when you’re flossing. The good news is that your Albuquerque dentist has some tips for flossing with a permanent retainer.


Do Wine Wipes Really Work?

October 26, 2017

Pouring red wine.It’s not a night out for you if you don’t enjoy a glass of wine! Red is your wine of choice, of course, but it often wreaks havoc on your smile, leaving a tinge of red staining. Now there’s a product claiming to help combat the effects of red wine so you can relax and smile with confidence. But do Wine Wipes really work?


Talk About a Brilliant Smile Makeover…

October 18, 2017

Man hiding his smile. Dentistry is capable of life changing procedures! Take for example the story of a man who didn’t brush his teeth for 20 years. His teeth were in a severe state of decay when he finally worked up the courage to visit the dentist. With a strong commitment to a consistent home care routine of brushing and flossing, and some dental implants designed by his highly skilled dentist, this man is now able to smile with confidence and is looking forward to pursuing a career in sports medicine that he never thought would be imaginable. Is a life changing procedure possible for you?


Want To Improve Your Smile? A Smile Makeover in Albuquerque May Be The Solution

July 23, 2017

Learn how a smile makeover in Albuquerque could help you achieve your dream smile.Your smile is one of the first features people notice when they meet you. What kind of impression is it making? Are you satisfied with the appearance of your teeth? If there are improvements that you’d like to make to your smile, cosmetic dentistry offers many great options, and Dr. Monica Boehmer can help! With extensive continuing education in the field of cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Boehmer is well equipped to deliver the smile you’ve always wanted, and a smile makeover in Albuquerque may be the solution for your needs.


Your Dentist in Albuquerque Explains Why Fluoride is Important

June 8, 2017

Fluoride is important for the health of your teeth. Your dentist in Albuquerque explains why this is true. You’re standing in the toothpaste aisle, unsure of what to choose. With so many products on the market, how do you know which ones are right for you? Should you choose products containing fluoride? Dr. Monica Boehmer, your dentist in Albuquerque, has answers for you, and we’ll tell you why fluoride is important for the health of your teeth.


An Exceptional New Patient Exam With Your Dentist in Albuquerque

April 24, 2017

Are you ready for an exceptional new patient exam with your dentist in Albuquerque?When you visit Dr. Monica Boehmer for the first time, you should be prepared for a unique experience like no other dental office you’ve been to before. Not only will you receive an office tour where you’ll see some of our state-of-the-art equipment in action, you’ll also have one on one time with Dr. Boehmer to discuss your desires and goals for your oral health. Get ready for an exceptional new patient exam with your dentist in Albuquerque.


Are You Ready for a Smile Makeover in Albuquerque?

March 18, 2017

Are you ready for a smile makeover in Albuquerque?Do you find yourself hiding your teeth when you meet someone new? Wouldn’t it be nice to smile for the next family photo? When you’re not satisfied with the appearance of your teeth, it often takes a toll on your confidence. When you’re less confident, it affects your personal and professional relationships. No matter what state your teeth may be in, cosmetic dentistry has options for you, and Dr. Monica Boehmer can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Are you ready for a smile makeover in Albuquerque?
